Mat 9:18-38人为甚么得到神的帮助?

Mat 9:18-38人为甚么得到神的帮助?


人为甚么得到神的帮助?这个问题,我们常想到的是方法 – 「我如何得到神的帮助?」,或是过程 – 「神如何帮助我?」。管会堂的认为 「耶稣去他家」「按手在身上」他的女儿便能复活。血漏病的女人认为「摸耶稣的衣裳隧子」就能痊愈。众人看到耶稣开了瞎子的眼,可能以为是「耶稣摸他的眼睛」。法利赛人认为耶稣「靠鬼王赶鬼」,所以医治了哑吧。神作事有祂的时间,方法和过程。他的意念永远高过人意念,他的道路永远高过人的道路。期盼神照着我的方法和预期的过程来帮助我,(仅管有时神会照做,我们所谓的「祷告蒙应允」),常常带来的是意外的失望。
「耶稣看见许多人就怜悯他们」(太9:36),神怜悯是人得帮助的原因,靠 着人的信心来成就祂的美意。神要我们将所要的告诉他,应许的是出人意外的平安(腓4:7),并非照着我们的方法和过程来实现。


对于“Mat 9:18-38人为甚么得到神的帮助?”目前有1条留言

  1. biaochen Says:

    “Min Tong”

    Reading Yingqiang’s reflection reminded me of the lyric of a song:
    “Not because who I am, but what YOU have done
    Not because what I have done, but Who YOU Are”

    In this earthly world, it’s so easy for us to put ourselves(our job, our family, our health, our finance, our…) as the center of our lives. From time to time, as Christians, we’re likely to have an ‘entitlement’ complex, believing that the reason for our answered (or unanswered)prayers is because what a ‘good’ Christian we are (or “not
    that good” in the case of an unanswered prayer), but, as the lyric tells us, it’s all because who our God is and what He has done…(some thoughts during my lunch break :-P )

    On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:16 AM, biao chen wrote:

    Short and Sweet, great reductionist. Fred, thank you for your labor in His word, then all of them can benefit from that.



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