你愿做谁的仆役? (列王纪下17和林后4)

你愿做谁的仆役? (列王纪下17和林后4)


也许你不一定知道或者已经忘记了,福音教会从2003年起就开始鼓励全教的弟兄姐妹有一个一致的读经计划,除非你自己是建立了非常稳固的读经计划和祷告操练,我劝勉大家跟随全教会的今日读经计划(http://bible.ccim.org/bible_gb.html你可以用EMAIL来 订阅此计划,一年读完圣经一遍,如果误了就按当天的来读,不必补课。每日都有新的吗纳和天粮)。统一读经计划的好处有许多,包括我们可以对同样经文有彼此 的分享和学习;同时也是一个彼此责问和督促的机会(我们过于将个体的读经祷告,变成了私人的事);当然,每周一次牧长们写得读经分享和应用,也往往根据经 文对当前季度弟兄姐妹的人生和事奉给予引导。


1、上帝子民陷入偶像崇,沦为罪的仆役: 当北国以色列王在背叛耶和华,陷入拜偶像、外族人风俗和与埃及结盟,上帝兴起亚述帝国为棍棒管教以色列子民(王下17:1-23),将外族人安置在撒玛利亚于以色列人通婚和接受了许多外族的风俗。王下17:41这样,这些民族一方面敬畏耶和华;另一方面又继续服事他们的偶像。他们的子子孙孙继续照着他们的祖先所行的去行,直到今日。

弥迦6章中,上帝清楚地责备忘恩犯罪(1-5),并且警告这样的诡诈行为必受约中的管教和惩罚(9-16),如“15你要撒种,却不得收割,你要榨橄榄油,却不得油抹身;你要榨葡萄汁,却不得酒喝。” 也就是在这里,出现了著名的经文,提醒信仰群体要表里如一:8世人哪!耶和华已经指示你什么是善,他向你所要的又是什么;无非是要你行公义,好怜悯,谦虚谨慎与你的神同行。


但是,保罗没有停在这里,而是走到我们都不会甘心的地步,说他成了哥林多人的仆人! ”5并且为了耶稣的缘故成了你们的仆人……。11我们这些活着的人,为耶稣的缘故常常被人置于死地,好让耶稣的生也在我们必死的身上显明出来。12这样看来,死在我们身上运行,生却在你们的身上运行。……15这一切都是为了你们,好使恩惠既然因着许多人而增多,感恩的心也更加增多了,使荣耀归给神。“

7我们有这宝贝在瓦器里,是要显明这极大的能力是属于 神,不是出于我们。8我们虽然四面受压,却没有压碎;心里作难,却不至绝望,9受到迫害,却没有被丢弃;打倒了,却不至死亡。10我们身上常常带着耶稣的死,好让耶稣的生也在我们的身上显明出来。

也就是说,基督徒,特别是教会领袖因为 “有这宝贝(基督的生)在瓦器里(自己),我们虽然带着基督的死:如四面受压……心里作难………受到迫害……打倒了。 我们身上常常带着耶稣的死,好让耶稣的生(宣扬的福音之光,瓦器里的宝贝)也在我们的身上显明出来——没有压碎⋯⋯不至绝望⋯⋯没有被丢弃⋯⋯不至死亡。

我现在更多地意识到成为教会领袖的重担和荣耀,也是许多依靠自我的人,注定要在教会事奉中失败的缘由。“这一切都是为了他人,好使恩惠既然因着许多人而增多,感恩的心也更加增多了,使荣耀归给上帝。”  愿上帝给我们更多的恩典,不仅是作耶稣的仆人,还甘心乐意的为基督的缘故,成为众人的仆役!你愿意与我一同祈求这样的恩典吗?

对于“你愿做谁的仆役? (列王纪下17和林后4)”目前有2条留言

  1. Yingchang wu Says:


    This is so true. I have heard an old well-known Chinese pastor said. “任勞容易任怨難”, which summaries one of the most important characters of spiritual leaders he has observed in decades of faithful serving in God’s house.

    I can try my best to teach well or preach well, but I can never pass my passion and serving heart to anyone else. It is always God’s own glory that touches ones heart to serve. I have always been encouraged by seeing many diligent servants in our church. But sometimes I also upset about the number of such servants is still a small portion of our entire congregation, especially in May of each year, when our church is facing the problem of not enough people willing to take the responsibility as deacons, elders, or leaders in different areas of ministries. I have served different churches in the past. In some churches I joined before, people like to serve and even fight to serve. I saw people left the church because of losing the election in becoming a deacon, or because of not getting the director position of Sunday School. The situation in our church is just the opposite; we almost need to beg people to take leaderships. At one hand, I think this is not really bad, because our church has a clear teaching about leadership, which means to serve like Jesus and that is extremely hard. The higher the leadership responsibility you have, the lower your position is among people because of serving more people. Jesus is the highest king, so he becomes the lowest servant to wash everyone feet in His kingdom. But on the other hand, I would like to see more people, after clearly understanding the character of a spiritual leader, to see also the glory of serving people and willing to be called to serve Him. I pray to see more people in our church that would dare to 任勞任怨 for Jesus and through Jesus.

    And the King will make answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, Because you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. (Matt 25:40)


  2. Biao Chen Says:

    Dear brother/Elder Fred and others who always privately exchange ideas via email.

    I am so thankful that you are interacting the biblical text and my write-up, with thought provoking and edification for all readers in OCECC community.

    In fact, in the fall, I will start provide monthly train on Sunday afternoon for brothers who have served in deacons and other leadership in church ministries and have desire to learn and to transformed into the servant leadership for the church of Christ in His Kingdom. This is the part of preparation for new generation elders or simply want to be better equipped for good works in Christ. In other word, this course open to all brothers, and of courses, it does not mean that after training everyone become the ruling elders :-) , this is just part of our going leadership training as time evolves. Please pray for this endeavor!

    In addition, I always post our weekly devotions on our web blog, anyone can also give the feedback and sharing on church blog. One of advantage on the blog which has been created by deacon Guan Xiaotao is that all the feedbacks will be archived in dates, and it is search-enabled, everyone can benefit from that. Welcome everyone to share at

    pastor biao


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