Archive for July 31st, 2007

有关教会标志变更的申请:给City of Casselberry的请求信

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

Dear Mr. Charles Senzee,Thank you for graciously giving me an opportunity to present our situation of our application for the facial change of our church sign on 2610 US Highway 17-92, Casselberry, FL 32707. My intention is to
help you to understand our case and hopefully you would graciously waive the requirement of the memorial sign change for our sign structure.



Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

亲爱的弟兄姐妹:过去的两天,我们与在中国的短宣队有许多的电话沟通和祷告。感谢主,他们36个小时的旅行之后,到达了四川泸县。从周一开始了他们English Camp的训练计划。然而,目前我们有个紧急的代祷事项。

